Neighbourhood Plan

What is a Neighbourhood Plan

A neighbourhood plan is a community-led framework for guiding the future development, regeneration, and conservation of an area. It is a relatively recent mechanism introduced under the Localism Act 2011, allowing local residents and stakeholders to have a direct say in the development of their local area. These plans can influence where new homes, businesses, and community facilities are built, and what they will look like.

Neighbourhood plans are developed by a neighbourhood forum or a parish council and must align with the strategic policies of the local council’s Local Plan. They are subject to a series of legal requirements, including public consultation, examination by an independent examiner, and a community referendum. If approved, the neighbourhood plan becomes part of the statutory development plan for the area, which means that decisions on planning applications must take the plan into consideration, giving it real power to shape development in the neighbourhood.

The confines of our Neighbourhood Plan

Woodford Halse Neighbourhood Plan Confines

The Neighbourhood Plan

The neighbourhood plan document is a comprehensive, formal report produced by a neighbourhood forum or parish council outlining the vision, aims, policies, and proposals for future development and land use within a specified neighbourhood area. This document serves as the foundation for managing development in that area and is subject to a series of statutory processes before it can be adopted and come into effect.

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